Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Winners and Losers,

Since anyone and everyone seems intent on doing a winners and losers list today I thought I would throw my hat into the ring:


Mark Kirk and Chicago area congressional incumbants. Biggert, Roskam, Bean, Kirk, and Foster completely rolled their opponents. A big thumbs up to Mark Kirk whose 6 point win hopefully ended the political career of Dan "My ads are incredibly boring" Seals. Dan, you will not be missed.

Rod Blagojevich: Blago and his 13% approval rating gets a chance to be loved and appreciated for the next 6 weeks. He he can bump those numbers up and jump start his re-election campaign with a good selection

The Virginia Democratic Party: Those guys might have had the best night of any state party- winning congressional seats, a blowout in a Senate race, and delivering the state to Barack Obama. The GOP is going to need to get this state back in the fold by 2012.

Mitch McConnell: Never been a fan of Mitch, but he got a good win and he is now the most powerful Republican in the country

Moderate Democrats: Sure we just elected the most liberal President and congress ever, but at the same time the GOP continues to kill off their moderate representatives. That just means an easier playing field for moderate dems across the country

Right Wing Talk Radio: The influence of guys like Limbaugh really took off after the election of Bill Clinton in 1992. It should happen again, especially if the Dems in congress do try and push the fairness doctrine.

Chicago 2016: The election might have just delivered the 2016 games to Chicago

Americans Traveling Abroad: We are all loved by the French now...for whatever that is worth

The Palestinians: The softest Pro-Israel President in a generation.

Senator Sarah Palin: Yeah, like she's going back to being Governor of Alaska.


Mark Begich: Buddy, how do you lose this one?

Minnesotans who wanted the election to go away: sorry, not for another 6 weeks

Suburban Chicago Republicans: Losing 3 seats on the DuPage County board and watching Melissa Bean and Debbie Halvorson roll up big wins does not bode well for districts that were once considered safe.

The Wisconsin Republican Party: What has happened up there since I left?

Challengers to candidates prone to "foot in mouth" disease: Bachmann and Murtha both get wins- great, cleaning up the dead weight in Washington is more difficult than ever.

The Reputation of the state of Alaska: A beautiful place with nice people, but I'm not terribly impressed today by your voting choices.

The Woman who believes Obama will take care of her every needs: Good luck with that one.

Patrick Fitzgerald: Yeah, Obama and his cronies are not going to let you keep that job, sorry. You might want to think about that political career of yours.


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